Salmon Fish Cakes

Organic Cooking - Spring


-450g/1lb cooked salmon fillet;

-450g/1lb freshly cooked potatoes, mashed;

-25g/1oz/2tbsp butter, melted pr 30ml/2 tbsp olive oil;

-10 ml/2tsp wholegrain mustard;

-15ml/1tbsp each chopped fresh dill and chopped fresh parsley or tarragon;

-15g/1|2 oz/2tbsp wholemeal (whole=wheat) flour;

-1 egg, lightly beaten;

-150g/5oz/2 cups dried breadcrumbs;

-60ml/4 tbsp sunflower oil sea salt and ground black pepper rocket (aragula) leaves and chives to garnish;

-lemon wedges, to serve.

1. Flake the cooked salmon, discarding any skin and bones. Put it in a bowl with the mashed potato, melted butter or oil and wholegrain mustard, and mix well. Stir in the herbs and the lemon rind and juice. Season to taste with plenty of sea salt and ground black pepper.

2. Divide the mixture into eight portions and shape each into a ball, then flatten into a thick disc.

3. Dip the fish cakes first in flour, then in egg and finally in breadcrumbs, making sure that they are evenly coated with crumbs.

3. Heat the oil in a frying pan until it is very hot. Fry the fish cakes in batches until golden brown and crisp all over. As each batch is ready drain on kitchen paper and keep hot. Garnish with rocket and chives and serve with lemon wedges.

Nutritional info per portion: Energy 586kcal/245 kj; Protein 29.8g; Carbohydrate 49.9g of which sugar 3.2g, Fat 31g of which saturate 7.2g, Cholesterol 117mg, Calcium 79mg, Fibre 1.3g, Sodium 266mg.