Ricotta Cheesecake

Organic Cooking - Spring


-450g/1lb/2 cups ricotta cheese;
- 120 ml/4fl oz/1|2 cup double (heavy) cream or soya cream;
- 2 eggs;
- 1 egg yolk;
- 75g/3oz/6tbsp unrefind caster (superfine) sugar or rapadura;
- finely grated rind of 1 orange and 1 lemon, plus extra to decorate.

For the pastry

- 175g/6oz/1 1|2 cups plain (all-purpose) flour;
- 45 ml/3tbsp unrefined caster (superfine) sugar or rapadura;
- 115g/4oz/1|2 cup chilled butter, diced;
- 1 egg yolk.

1. Sift the flour and sugar on to a cold surface. Make a well in the center for the butter and egg yolk. Work the flour into the butter and egg yolk.
2. Gather the dough together, reserve a quarter and press the rest into a 23cm/9in fluted flan tin (pan) with a removable base, and chill.
3. Preheat the oven to 190C/375F/Gas5. In a bowl, beat well the cheese, cream, eggs, yolk, sugar and rinds.
4. Prick the bottom of the pastry case, then line with foil and fill with baking beans. Bake for 15 minutes.
5. Transfer to a wire rack, remove the foil and beans and allow the pastry to cool in the tin.
6. Spoon the cheese and cream filling into the pastry case, and level. Roll out the reserved dough, cut into long, even strips and arrange them on top of the filling in a lattice pattern. Stick them in place with water.
7. Bake for 30-35 minutes until golden and set. Leave to cool on a wire rack, then carefully remove the side of the tin. Transfer to a serving plate with a metal spatula. Decorate before serving.

Nutritional info per portion: Energy 449kcal/1873 kj; Protein 9.9g; Carbohydrate 34.8g of which sugar 18.1g, Fat 31.1g of which saturate 18.4g, Cholesterol 173mg, Calcium 62mg, Fibre 0.7g, Sodium 112mg.